What is mindfulness?

Mindfulness can be described as paying attention to the present moment. As simple as it may sound, mindfulness can transform how we relate to events and experiences. It helps us be present in our lives and gives us control over our reactions and repetitive thought patterns.

Some people may mistake mindfulness for trying to rid their minds of any thoughts, which is virtually impossible. It is not about trying to relax or to achieve a particular outcome, mindfulness rather is about noticing your here and now experiences, including your thoughts and having the ability to be fully present.

Many of us spend a huge amount of our lives rehashing the past or imagining the future instead of focusing on the present moment. When we are ‘caught up’ in these thoughts, on auto pilot or adopting an unhealthy amount of multitasking, we are not aware of our experiences, usually missing out on the joys of life.

By maintaining a moment-by-moment awareness of our thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations and surrounding environment, we can connect to our senses and emotions by creating a more spacious way of being in the world that is less reactive and ultimately happier!

By teaching children mindfulness skills we help them increase their well-being and enable them to meet the stresses of the world with presence, self-compassion, and openness.

What are the benefits of mindfulness for children?

 There is an enormous need for children to develop skills around mindfulness in order for them to cope with the modern world. It will teach them how to manage their attention as poor attention in children has been associated with impaired learning, memory, emotional development and empathy. There are also rising rates of poor mental health, stress, low self-esteem and ADHD among children with poor attention.

When we teach mindfulness to children, we give them the tools they need to build confidence, cope with stress and relate to uncomfortable or challenging moments. The earlier we do so in their young lives, the greater the opportunity to help them cultivate resilience and develop and refine their mindfulness practice as they mature.


Scientifically proven benefits of mindfulness

  • Dramatically improves concentration and memory

  • Decreases anxiety and stress

  • Strengthens the immune system

  • Improves sleep

  • Develops self-acceptance and confidence

  • Brings a sense of peacefulness and clarity

  • Allows compassion and empathy to grow

  • Increases self-awareness

  • Brings emotional balance and stability

“Mindfulness is about being fully awake in our lives. It is about perceiving the exquisite vividness of each moment. We also gain immediate access to our own powerful inner resources for insight, transformation and healing”

- Jon Kabat-Zinn